It is always a very special treat when Tim (IPC's renown grill master and owner of Silk Road Catering Co.) grills for the church. And our Sunday fellowship meal last night was incredible with his grilled chicken. There is no better grilled chicken found in Savannah.

His charcoal grill is as simple as it comes. A remodeled iron barrel on a single axle trailer, with a smoke stack, grilling rack, an exterior thermometer, and with lots of character.

Here is a useful gadget for those who are hard-core charcoal grillers: chimney starter. An inexpensive tool that will help you charcoal burning real fast without using charcoal starter fluid. Tim can't use this since he uses such a large volume of charcoal, but this is a great tool for home cooks.
To feed 250 people last night, Tim cooked 36 whole chickens. He splits them in half for quicker cooking time. After sprinkling dry rub and placed on the hot grill, Tim lets his grill do its thing. I don't think anyone sitting in the service could hardly concentrate on the sermon with wonderful aroma of grilled meat and white smoke billowing out of the smoke stack right outside the window.
Waiting patiently....he makes it look so easy.
After two hours of low heat grilling and casual attention, here emerged the most delicious grilled chicken, ever. was so wonderful! Why, we really didn't even need any salad or sides. Most people, including me, would have been very content with Tim's grilled chicken and some barbecue sauce. If you are in Savannah area and need a fantastic barbecue catered for a large group, call this grill meister, there is no one better in Savannah area, not one.
Silk Road Catering LLC, Tim and Tricia Barrett, home (912) 376-2506; cell(912)713-5040
Many thanks to Eddie and Walt for assisting Tim last night!
Grilled Chicken
(Serves 4)
1 Whole Chicken, rinsed and split in half
1/2 Cup of Dry Rub (click for recipe)
Extra Kosher salt for sprinkling
Charcoal grill
Chimney starter
1. Here is a video link on using chimney starter by Chef John Mitzewich.
2. Season the chicken with dry rub.
3. After spreading the hot coal, ensuring your grid level is at its highest for low, even temperature. Put chicken halves on clean grid. Cook with cover on, occasionally turning and watching for fat flare ups on the meat.
About 1 1/2 hour or until internal temperature reaches 165 deg. F
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